I have a young child under the age of 10. Over the last few years I was trying to do what I *was told* and teach her stories from the Bible. I attempted to use the JW Bible Story Book. What I found myself doing is scanning through all the different chapters and only finding a handful that I felt was appropriate subject matter for my child. Almost every single story in the book contained violence or other horrific things going on that my very lovely and innocent child has no need to know. Not to mention that the OVERWHELMING GUILT AND FEAR being heaped on in every chapter as the "moral of the story". NO THANKS!!! I'll teach my child the things they need to know about Jehovah, Jesus and our real faith with my own filter on it instead of the highly distasteful BORG spin on everything.
I have said many times over the years to any JW that would listen........ If a movie was made about the Bible and the actual scenes were shown as they are described in the bible (as the OP listed out so beautifully), the movie would be rated XX and would not be able to be shown in any movie theater in this country.